Thursday, July 17, 2008

Who's excited to see Hellboy?!

I AM!!!!!!!!
I'm going on Friday with my friend and her odd (yet strangely sexy), kilt- wearing brother.
Fuck, yeah.

Here's the outfit of the day:

I'm sorry everything's so blurry, but my camera died again. I had to use the webcam, which is really a piece of shit in disguise.

Top- Kohl's
Skirt- Secondhand button-up
Headband- Knitted by yours truly...
(You can't even see it, but it's purple, and I'm very proud of it.)
Slippers- China

Sorry, But I couldn't be bothered to put on real shoes.

Anyway, I tried the shirt-as-skirt thing, and I really like how it looks. But it's so awfully short. I don't think I'll be wearing it out anytime soon.

Maybe I'll find a bigger shirt.


Anonymous said...

I think it looks the perfect length! you look great

Sam said...

that shirt looks great as a skirt. and i don't think it looks too short.

Soul Tanggg said...

how did you tie the shirt like that? to look like a skirt!!! brilliant!

(and if it's too short, wear tights or leggings! its my secret)

Sharon said...

A cute look!!