I got home from T(eam) A(merica) R(ocketry) C(hallenge) finals in Virginia last week, but I haven't felt like blogging for the longest time. So, first post in a super long time...
But I got this hat in a Smithsonian gift shop. I am now hunting for a frilly shirt to wear with it :)
It's supposed to be George Washington's tricorn hat, but everyone told me I looked like a pirate. What do you think?
I don't seem to have a self these days. My age changes, my interests change. I always have the lurking feeling that my interest in fashion is wrong/consumerist/materialistic/shallow/frivolous/unfeminist, and I have lost some sleep fretting over this, but, yeah. I have trouble ending my sentences, and a tendency to ramble. "Softcore feminist" "genderfucker" "has dubious grip on reality" "inflated sense of worth" "petty thief"